Are you looking for peace, forgiveness, hope or eternal life? Our church is filled with people just like you! We've found that a relationship with Jesus Christ is the only way to find these and so much more! Jesus satisfies our every deepest longing and offers us salvation from sin, healing of our wounds and strength for every day.
We invite you to watch the video below to find out more about how you can begin a relationship with Jesus today and place your faith in Him as Lord of your life and your personal Savior!
A Christian is an individual who has made a personal decision to believe in Christ, received His plan for living, and has committed to following Jesus. Here are some basic facts that are key to helping you make this decision:
1. God's Design - God made each of us with a purpose - to worship Him and to walk with Him.
"The gift of God is eternal life" (Romans 6:23)
2. Sin - Life doesn't work when we ignore God and His original design for our lives.
"For all have sinned" (Romans 3:23) and "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23). This means your sin is excluding you from God's gift of eternal life.
3. Brokenness - Sin leads to a place of brokenness. We see this all around us and in our own lives as well.
"They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served something created instead of the Creator." (Romans 1:25)
4. The Gospel - Because of God's love for us, He did not leave us in our brokenness. Jesus, God in human flesh, came to us and lived perfectly according to God's design. Jesus came to rescue us - to do for us what we could not do for ourselves. He took our sin and shame to the cross, paying the penalty of our sin by His death. Jesus was then raised from the dead - to provide the only way for us to be rescued and restored to a relationship with God.
"God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8) and was declared with power to be the Son of God by His resurrection from the dead" (Romans 1:4).
5. Repent and Believe - Simply hearing this Good News is not enough. We must admit our sinful brokenness and we must ask God to forgive us. We must turn from trusting ourselves to trusting only in Jesus.
"Repent and believe in the good news." (Mark 1:15)
6. Recover and Pursue - When God restores our relationship to Him, we begin to discover meaning and purpose in a broken world. Now we can pursue God's design in all areas of our lives.
"For it is God who is working in you, enabling you both to desire and to work His good purpose." (Philippians 2:13)
Are you willing to turn from your sin and receive Jesus right now? This prayer can express your heart's desire:
"Dear Lord Jesus, I realize that I can't rescue myself. I believe that You died for me to pay this penalty for my sins. I want to turn from my sins. I accept Your forgiveness, Your new life, and Your home in heaven. Thank you, Lord. Help me to live for You. In Your name I pray. Amen."
If you prayed that prayer or want to talk to someone about this decision, please contact us using the buttons below:
We believe that baptism is a primary step of obedience for all who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior. We recognize baptism as an ordinance of the church. Along with observing the Lord's Supper (Communion), it is one of only two acts that the church is commanded to do in Scripture. We celebrate baptism in our weekend worship services and a few other special events throughout the year.
We believe that baptism is an important step for everyone who professes Christ as Lord and Savior. We don't believe that the act of baptism will save anyone in itself, but is a public display of an inner decision that a person has made to follow Christ. If you are ready to take this step, we invite you to be baptized at our church. You can begin that process in one of 3 ways:
1. Come forward to the front of the worship center during the invitation after the sermon in our weekend services.
2. Call the church office: 863-385-5154
3. Email us by click the button below: